Meet Emmanuel - he's living proof that sponsorship works.
As a young child, Emmanuel was rescued and welcomed into our family.
And thanks to the faithful support of our sponsors around the world, over this time we've been able to provide him with food, medical care, an education, and a home, as we teach him about the love of Christ.
As we watch these children grow and thrive, Emmanuel continues to be a beautiful reminder of God's love and faithfulness-and-that together we are raising Uganda's future leaders.
Emmanuel is a perfect example of someone whose life is being transformed by generous partners like you, and by his faith.With love to football, Emmanuel also loves telling everyone about Jesus. Sponsorship opportunities are beyond football, they’re helping shape him as a person who knows he has purpose and is loved unconditionally—win or lose.
You can support the HopePlus Initiative in raising such leaders through child sponsorship for £40 or $50(US)per month so that we can provide the best and lasting support to children who benefit from your Sponsorship. In-kind donations of clothes, feminist products, home supplies, medical products, soft toys are very welcome and will be greatly appreciated.
Call/WhatsApp +256 705802162 or email for more information. Thank you for loving HopePlus Initiative.